Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mum's the Word!

This is just a quick post to try to make it up to you for not being all that diligent with the posting lately!  When Mark is in town he is definitely a distraction!  There will be another post later as well!

Can you believe that the girl with the black thumb who forgets that plants need water has mums like THIS after only one year's growth!  I'm all impressed with myself! 

One day last fall, I had a rare moment of appreciating autumn.  Usually I dread fall because it means that my beloved summer is gone.  But on that day, the air was crisp and the sky was clear and I had a wonderful time admiring all the beautiful mums at Walmart.  But they weren't in the budget.  So I had a little bit of a grieve and a pout on about how I wasn't going to get to have mums -- which made all my financial stresses just feel that much worse.

A few days later, my amazing friend Kathy Freeman stopped by at just the perfect moment when I really needed it and, as if she knew exactly what I needed (and she usually DOES!), she brought me a beautiful mum plant!  It made my day and my week at the time!  Kathy has an uncanny ability to do that sort of thing! 

I have always remembered another friend, Caroline Wooten, with whom I went to high school, talking about how her family planted all the mums they received for her father's autumn funeral and that every year they bloomed and brought special, living memories of her dad.  I've always thought that was such a wonderful memorial.  All these years (since 1983?) I've remembered that.

So I planted Kathy's mums when they started to fade which I now feel was INCREDIBLY smart!  Just one year later they are TEN TIMES the size they were last year!  And they're still making me happy!

The FreeSourceFull moral of the story:  dying potted mums can become huge living bushes -- if only you plant them! 

So snag any mums you can get your hands on that are about to be thrown out and pop them into the ground.  Oh, and a little water helps!

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